There are many ways that germs can be spread. One of the most common ways is through touch. Yes your hands. Today we have a lot more to worry about than just the handle at the gas station pump. We have touch screens everywhere. At the local grocery store or for that matter at every check out facility.
A recent study was published. The study was based on observations of 3,749 people in public restrooms, and appeared in the Journal of Environmental Health. The study was conducted by professionally trained college students in data collection and had them observe hand washing in restrooms in bars, restaurants and other public establishments.
Alarmingly 15 percent of men didn’t wash their hands at all, compared with 7 percent of women. When they did wash their hands, only 50 percent of men used soap, compared with 78 percent of women. People were less likely to wash their hands if the sink was dirty. Hand washing was more prevalent earlier in the day. The researcher said that this suggests that people who were out at night for a meal or drinks were in a more relaxed mode and hand washing became less important. People were more likely to wash their hands if a sign encouraging them to do so was present.
You cannot make other people wash there hands but you can protect yourself and family.
When you are out in public and use ATM or any touch screen wash your hands after use. I actually carry individually packaged hand wipes and yes I wipe the buttons and pen before I use them. When I get into my vehicle I use a wipe to clean my hands and the steering wheel. I clean my steering wheel regularly because there is a big chance that I have pumped gas, or opened a door, used a public touch pad, etc. There is a very good chance that the person before me that used any of these did not wash their hands. Also very few businesses and banks clean the touch pads or pens between every customer. This is a simple wake up call — wash your hands and remember 22% of the general population is not washing their hands. A few simple precautions and these can help:
Simply click on the product above to see multiple products that can protect you.
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